Monday, November 14, 2011

Feather's very bad awful day

Feather is having a very bad awful day.  She's just started her heat cycle and she's mopey.  But add to that, I was swatting flies in the kitchen.... and she's very afraid of people with "whacking sticks".  She's never been shot or beaten, but you'd never know it if you see her when someone has a gun, or a yardstick, or a fly swatter.   She's so afraid of flyswatters that she even hides if she's outside and I'm swatting flies inside.  LOL

But - the worst part of her day is that I'm making her wear her "doggie britches" in the house.

How humiliating!

She mostly stays in her crate when she's in the house even though I rarely tell her to go into it and very rarely shut the door - it's her private place.  I tried to get her to come out of her crate so I could get a picture of her in her doggie britches.  She's so depressed she refuses to come out... just lays in her crate with her head hanging out the door... and giving me the sad dog face.

Anyone who's ever had PMS can relate.

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